• The Shelfie – Paolo Marchi

    If a library is a mirror of a personality, then a photograph of a shelf is a sort of selfie.  In that spirit we bring you the shelfie: a series of self-portraits with books. 
    Today we explore the library of Paolo Marchi, the man who literally transformed food journalism in Italy. Creator of Identità Golose, the first Italian congress format dedicated to the movers and shakers in the country’s fine cuisine and pastry making scene. Highly successful, the event now exports Italian know-how with editions in London and New York.

    Paolo’s collaborations with Bibliotheca Culinaria are multiple: Dessert al Piatto, Cucina di Montagna – Le Alpi Centrali e Cucina di Montagna – Il Trentino. His latest book is: XXL 50 piatti che hanno allargato la mia vita.


  • Luigi Veronelli at the Triennale

    A well organized exhibitions possess, I believe, a double tier of interpretation. This is certainly the case for the fine show at the Milan Triennale until 22 February. After that date it will move on to Bergamo where it will remain until the end of October.
    Camminare la terra, curated by Aldo Colonetti, Alberto Capatti and Gian Arturo Rota, is dedicated to Luigi Veronelli. Not a large exhibition, it has been mounted in a small space on the first floor of the site. In fact, a single glance will suffice to understand the style of the initiative and to be moved by the rich and fertile terrain covered. Here is a life lived intensely, packed with interdisciplinary activity and wide-ranging stimuli, a personal and professional profile of great stature. It is possible to approach the exhibition from a more philological standpoint, moving from photograph to photograph, text to text, book to book. For those fortunate enough (as I was) to be professionally active in the 70s, the show will solicit many memories. Books and objects, perhaps many of them familiar and cherished, offer countless opportunities to connect with the past and it is surprising to discover that they are traceable to a single individual. Camminare la terra offers a fine entry point to relatively recent enogastronomical history, unwinding through the life’s work and personal testimony of one of the most significant figures to address Italian material culture of the twentieth century. Don’t miss it.
    mostra.Luigi Veronelli.camminare la terra

  • The shelfie: Valerio Massimo Visintin

    If a library is a mirror of a personality, then a photograph of a shelf is a sort of selfie.  In that spirit we bring you the shelfie: a series of self-portraits with books.  We’re kicking off the series with Valerio Massimo Visintin, the  (ever icognito) gastronomic critic for the Corriere della Sera, author of the guide Pappa Milano, the novel L’ombra del cuoco e the unforgettable , Osti sull’orlo di una crisi di nervi.


  • Cuoco senza stelle

    Cuoco senza stelle is an autobiography or perhaps a literary critic might call it a coming-of-age story because it recounts the experiences and emotions that transformed a young man into a professional chef. It’s also an open letter to those contemplating the profession. With its advice for career strategy, the book offers concrete information to those facing the hard climb to chef status.


  • The pantry files

    A pantry is a sort of mirror. If you’ve ever found yourself searching for coffee in a kitchen that is not your own, you’ve undoubtedly discovered the odd sort of intimacy provoked by such exploration. A quick foray among the canned goods and the flour and you will come away with very precise information: is the cook organized or distracted, a creature of habit or a gastronomic explorer, a compulsive purchaser of jam, a faux gourmand, an organic food fanatic?


  • Cuoco senza stelle

    Cuoco senza stelle is an autobiography or perhaps a literary critic might call it a coming-of-age story because it recounts the experiences and emotions that transformed a young man into a professional chef. It’s also an open letter to those contemplating the profession. With its advice for career strategy, the book offers concrete information to those facing the hard climb to chef status.


  • Si parte!

    Nooo, un altro blog, un’altra azienda che tenta di camuffare la propria pubblicità come una conversazione. Beh, speriamo di no. Non è quella l’idea.

    Aver da fare con libri di cucina tutti i giorni ci offre la scusa di esplorare molte idee, ma gran parte delle ricerche e i dibattiti che animano la vita quotidiana del nostro ufficio non sono riflessi nelle opere che pubblichiamo. In altre parole, spesso i retroscena e i processi che ci portano a decidere “No, non siamo disposti a fare quello” sono stimolanti quanto i progetti che arrivano in stampa. Parliamo di un sacco di cose: l’agricoltura sostenibile, l’ego degli chef, perché i bambini sono ossessionati dai colori del cibo, perché sembra che i librai non leggono, la fotografia, la tipografia, la carta, le nuove tecnologie dentro e fuori la cucina. È una specie di cocktail senza una ricetta fissa. Qualche volta la miscela diventa un po’ troppo forte e siamo costretti a buttare tutto e ricominciare.


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